What is House Flipping?

What is House Flipping?

Well, house flipping is the purchase of a property at a discount for the purpose of selling it for quick profit. Now, I’m going to repeat that. House flipping is the purchase of a property at a discount for the purpose of selling it for quick profit. Now let me give you an example…

Let’s say in your area the average house is selling at $100,000. Your main objective is to pick up a property in that area for less than $100,000.

Ideally, $50,000 or $0.50 on the dollar! What you’re going to do is put an assignment fee on top of that price that you’ve picked the house up for, which can be $5,000, or $10,000 just to give you an example, then turn around and sell that property to another investor without ever coming out of your pocket, and doing it fast.

By doing it that way, you’ve just put $5,000 – $10,000 in your pocket. I’m going to break that down and we’re going to dissect the entire house flipping business as a whole throughout this course. I just wanted to give you an example of how it works.

Why should you Flip Houses?

It’s very simple, it’s doesn’t require any of your money, it doesn’t require any of your credit, and it doesn’t give you an obligation. There is no obligation whatsoever. I’ll show you how to protect yourself throughout the course as well. And you don’t need any experience to get involved in house flipping.

Who should be Flipping Houses?

Well, as a beginning investor you definitely want to flip houses to build cash for yourself, and you build some momentum for your business. House flipping definitely provides the cash you need, and fast cash as well, to support your real estate business and help you grow as a real estate investor. Veterans should always be flipping houses to keep money coming into their business.

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